别名:精神病院12天 / jingshenbingyuan12tian


e: whether to continue the involuntary hospitalization or release the patient.In"The 12 Days of the Psychiatric Hospital," we follow a group of patients as they navigate their way through this challenging process. Each patient has their own unique story, struggles, and hopes for the future.One patient is Marie, a young woman who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She was admitted to the hospital after experiencing severe hallucinations and delusions. Throughout her stay, Marie forms a bond with another patient named Sophie, who suffers from depression. Together, they support each other through therapy sessions and try to make sense of their mental health issues.Another patient in the hospital is Jean-Pierre, an elderly man suffering from dementia. He often becomes disoriented and confused, not recognizing his own family members. His daughter Claire desperately wants him to be released so he can live with her at home, but she worries about his safety and well-being outside of the controlled environment of the hospital.Meanwhile, Mathieu is a middle-aged man battling addiction issues along with his mental illness. Despite multiple attempts at rehabilitation programs in the past, he always relapses once released back into society. Mathieu struggles with accepting that he needs long-term treatment but eventually realizes that it may be necessary for his recovery.As these stories unfold over the course of 12 days, we witness both heartwarming moments of progress and heartbreaking setbacks for each character. The film highlights not only their individual journeys but also sheds light on larger questions about mental health care in France.Through interviews with medical professionals and legal experts involved in psychiatric cases like these every day,"The 12 Days of Psychiatric Hospital" aims to spark conversations about how society can better support individuals struggling with mental illness while balancing individual rights and public safety concerns.Ultimately, this thought-provoking documentary challenges viewers to consider what it means to provide compassionate care for those living with mental health conditions within our legal framework.


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    乌尔善 芦苇 桑林 刘天池 叶锦添 费翔 李雪健 黄渤 于适 陈牧驰 娜然  此沙 武亚凡 夏雨 袁泉 那尔那茜 王洛勇 侯雯元 黄曦彦 李昀锐 杨玏 陈坤 许还山 高曙光 杨立新 丁勇岱 高冬平 徐冲 韩鹏翼 单敬尧  吴汉坤 百力嘎 刘乐 许翔 刘涵 徐菲 孙睿 耿业庭 金志浩 屈愉超 黄涛 樊汶东 姜宝成 阿仁 张雪菡 

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    迈克尔·法斯宾德 尼基·劳达 迈克尔·舒马赫 刘易斯·汉密尔顿 马里奥·安德烈蒂 杰基·斯图尔特 詹森·巴顿 塞巴斯蒂安·维特尔 伯尼·埃克莱斯顿 奈杰尔·曼塞尔 Eddie Jordan 戴蒙·希尔 雅基·伊克斯 乔迪·谢克特 Sid Watkins 

  • 完结


    苑琼丹 黄一山 黎耀祥 斓曦 陈思斯 贤宝宝 记录生活的蛋黄派 

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  • 完结


    萨尔马·梅恩盖利斯 沙恩·福克斯 

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    约翰·麦肯罗 Ivan Lendl 马修·阿马立克 

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    理查德·特纳 约翰尼·汤普森 马克斯·马文 阿曼多·路斯劳 鲍勃·格伯特 



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