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别名:高校最后的军事教练 / gaoxiaozuihoudejunshijiaolian


s military training. The main character, Tawan, is a rebellious teenager who has been sent to Khao Chon Kai by his parents as a last resort to discipline him. Initially resistant to the strict rules and intense physical demands of the camp, Tawan gradually learns the value of teamwork and perseverance.Alongside Tawan are his newfound friends, including Kong, a talented athlete with dreams of representing Thailand in international competitions; Pong, an introverted bookworm who surprises everyone with his mental strength; and Mek, a mischievous troublemaker with a hidden talent for strategy.As the boys progress through their training, they face various challenges designed to test their physical and mental limits. From grueling obstacle courses to combat simulations, each task pushes them closer to their breaking point. However, they find solace in their camaraderie and support for one another.Throughout the film, there are also glimpses into the personal lives of these young trainees. Tawan struggles with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt stemming from academic pressures placed upon him by his parents. Kong must navigate his passion for sports while dealing with expectations from his family. Pong battles social anxiety and strives to prove himself academically despite being labeled as an introvert. Mek faces internal conflicts between loyalty towards his friends at camp and pressure from outside influences.As graduation day approaches at Khao Chon Kai, tensions rise among the boys as they compete for top honors within their platoon. The once united group now finds themselves pitted against each other in fierce competition fueled by personal ambitions.However, during an intense final challenge that tests not only physical prowess but also leadership skills under pressure, everything changes. The boys realize that true success lies not in individual achievements but rather in working together as a team towards a common goal.In an emotional climax filled with sacrifice and redemption,the boys put aside their differences,resolving conflicts through open communication,forging bonds that will last beyond their time at Khao Chon Kai.With tears streaming down their faces,they graduate from high school knowing that what they have learned extends far beyond military tactics.Khao Chon Kai has taught them resilience,determinationand most importantly,the importance of friendship.They leave behind not only memories but also lessons that will shape them into capable individuals ready to face whatever challenges come next


  • 5.0


    王永 张会中 周晓鸥 邵峰 赵普 王凯 水皮 石述思 袁岳 马艳丽 夏华 邬瑷亿 王小龙 李璐茜 张倬闻 

  • 3.0


    郑丹瑞 周秀娜 邓月平 谈善言  

  • 7.0


    张天其 张垒 樊蕊 许明虎 优依 尹嘉萱 赵铁英 肖跃文 

  • 1.0


    芮妮·戈兹贝里 Abubakr Ali Simone Joy Jones 

  • 1.0


    广濑铃 堤真一 吉泽亮 松田翔太 西野七濑 木村多江 城田优 佐藤健 池田依来沙 妻夫木聪 志尊淳 古田新太 竹中直人 中川雅也 小泽征悦 岛田久作 加藤谅 绪方义博 柄本时生 前野朋哉 清水伸 原日出子 真壁伸也 本间朋晃 野口聪一 大友康平 安藤ニコ 

  • 5.0
  • 4.0


    成田凌 清原果耶 泉里香 小泉孝太郎 山谷花纯 仓悠贵 大谷麻衣 

  • 9.0


    科甘-迈克尔·凯 乔丹·皮尔 基努·里维斯 马索·曼恩 威尔·福特 达里尔·布里特-吉布森 尼娅·朗 罗布·许贝尔 杰森·米切尔 路易斯·古兹曼 蒂凡尼·哈迪斯 麦迪逊·沃尔夫 山姆麦地那 斯塔莱特·米亚里奥尼 



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